One Human Family QCA
Resources and Data Collection

Our Purpose
One Human Family QCA encourages victims, witnesses, friends, family, and/or third parties to report hate incidents, because OHFQCA not only helps victims of hate, we also collect data regarding hate incidents that occur in the greater Quad Cities area.
One Human Family gives you free access to an easy to fill out hate incident reporting form, adapted from the Southern Poverty Law Center. In addition, any incidents will also be reported to the Southern Poverty Law Center.
One Human Family's purpose is to provide assistance to victims of hate incidents, by offering connections to numerous resources. In addition, OHFQCA partners with United Way's 211 information service. Anyone is welcome to call 211. You will reach a live operator, who will connect you with local resources.
Organizations providing assistance are encouraged to become part of (We will appreciate your referencing "One Human Family QCA") The 211 website can be accessed by tapping here.
What is a Hate Incident?
• Assault
• Name-Calling
• Threat(s)
• Harassment
• Vandalism / Property Destruction
• Exclusion of a person(s) based on the latter's individual age, sex, creed, class, skin color, ethnicity, nationality, race, sexual orientation, or disability.
Watch This Short Video (compliments of Canada)
Because it helps you understand how to remain calm while stepping up when you see or hear someone being targeted by someone.
For more information about fighting hate:
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is a national organization dedicated to fighting hate and bigotry and to seek justice for the most vulnerable members of our society. We collect data locally and report hate incidents to the SPLC.
To learn more about SPLE, log on to the SPLCenter website.
For free and confidential information and referral services:
OHFQCA seeks to help connect victims of hate with the resources they need. Local and regional resources offer help through the United Way of the Quad Cities Area 211 information line.
Simply dial 211 (or 563-355-9900) if you are looking for help with childcare, food, rent, or utility assistance or if you have any other health and human service need.
If you are a nonprofit organization seeking to be listed with 211, call or contact United Way of the Quad Cities Area at 563-355-4310 or log on to the United Way website.